All TRACS programs are funded by donations, fundraising and grants. A very small portion of these funds are used for administration leaving almost 100% going directly to the animals.
Click on the Paypal Donate button to help us! From one-time donations to monthly and yearly contributions, every little bit helps!
Donation Tins - Look for our donation tins in various locations around Kelowna. Help the animals by gathering up that loose change and dropping in one of our many tins.
Natures Fare
If you shop at Nature’s Fare, please save you receipts and forward to us. Nature’s Fare will send us a cheque for 3% of total amount of receipts we turn in. Please mail us your receipts today!
Canadian Tire Money
If you collect Canadian Tire money and are not sure what to do with it, we will gladly take it off your hands. We are always in need of maintenance supplies.
For one-time donations, click on the Paypal " Donate" button and choose "Donate with Debit or Credit Card"
For recurring donations, in order to set up a monthly or yearly donation, you must first set up a Paypal account if you don't already have one. Click here to set up a new PayPal Account associated with our donation account. Once you have set up your Paypal account, you will be automatically debited according to whatever schedule you have chosen.
The Responsible Animal Care Society (TRACS) thanks you for all donations, no matter what size.
Yearly Membership - $20.00
- Click on " Subscribe" button
- Click on arrow next to " Donations" and choose "Membership"
- Change the dollar amount to $20.00